Debtworks & City Law
The Perfect Combination

Debtworks and Citylaw have recently formed a joint venture to create New Zealand's first fully integrated debt collection division of a law firm.

This means we have immediate access to the valuable knowledge, experience and expertise of a law firm, while still being focused on specialist and practical debt collection and credit management.

Our highly experienced Collection staff are legally trained enabling them to determine the best course of action for your debt both legally and practically.

Citylaw has been in existence since 1992. It is a general practice with over 10 years acting for several debt collection agencies.  Debtworks (NZ) Limited was incorporated in October 2001 and was born out of a desire to provide a better quality service than was available - a service which meets the needs of you, our customers.

Due to the burgeoning gap in the market being created by mergers and repositioning of current market players,  Debtworks and Citylaw believes there is a need for high quality personalised debt collection and credit management services.

Debtworks aims to provide a focus on solutions that will re-establish the trust between you and your customer.

Whilst collecting the debt in full is our core focus, we try to rebuild the relationship you have built up with your customer. In doing so, we endeavour to secure and reduce the potential economical and legal risks involved with the debt.

Unlike other agencies, we also recognise that debt collection is a by-product of credit management practice. Accordingly we also focus on improving your credit management systems thereby reducing risk and improving cashflow.